Cerita Abu Bakar dalam Bahasa Inggris

Name : Nisa Asri Amalia
Class : Tarbiyah 2A
Fak/Jur : FAI/PAI
Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (573-634 AD, a caliph 632-634 AD) was born with the name of Abdus Shams, "Abu Bakr" is the title given to her Muslim community. His real name is! Abdullah bin Abi Kuhafah. "He got the title of" as-Siddiq! after entering Islam. Name before Muslims are "Abdul Kaaba". His mother was "Ummul Khair Salma ', the daughter of his uncle" Abu Quhafah ". Abu Bakr was the first Caliph of Islam after the death of Muhammad. He was one of the leaders of the Quraish tribe of Mecca. After embracing Islam renamed by Muhammad to Abu Bakr. He was named al-Siddiq, which means that reliable after he became the first to recognize Isra 'Mi'raj.He also was appointed by Muhammmad to move with him to Yathrib. He is noted as one of the Companions of Muhammad's most loyal and foremost to protect the Muslims and even against his own tribe.When Muhammad was seriously ill, Abu Bakr was the one who appointed him to replace an Imam in Prayer. This is according to most scholars an indication of the Prophet Muhammad that Abu Bakr was appointed as the successor to the leadership of Islam, whereas the Muslims at the time, who later formed the Shiite political alliance, more referring to Ali ibn Abi Talib as he is the Prophet's family. After a long debate ended with the decision at the time with Muslims, Abu Bakr was appointed as the first leader of Muslims after Muhammad's death. Abu Bakr led the past two years since the death of Muhammad in 632 until 634 ADFor two years the leadership of Abu Bakr, the Arabs under Islam progressed rapidly in the field of social, cultural and law enforcement. During his tenure as well, Abu Bakr succeeded in expanding the territory of Islam to Persia, most of the Arabian peninsula to conquer some parts of the Byzantine empire. Abu Bakr died at 61 years old in 634 AD due to pain experienced.Abu Bakr became the caliph only two years. In the year 634 AD he died. Such a short period out to solve the problem in the country, especially the challenges caused by the Arab tribes who do not submit again to the government of Medina after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. They consider that the agreement made by the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, by itself canceled after the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam died. Therefore they oppose Abu Bakr. Due to stubbornness and their opposition to harm religion and government, Abu Bakr resolve this issue with the so-called War riddah (war against apostasy). Khalid ibn Al-Walid is a lot of merit commander in this riddah War.It seems that the powers that run on the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, as at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, is central; powers legislative, executive and judicial branches concentrated in the hands of the caliph. In addition to running a government, Khalifah also implement the law as set out in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Nevertheless, like the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, Abu Bakr always invite friends magnitude deliberation.After completing the domestic affairs of war, then Abu Bakr sent power to the outside Arabia. Khalid ibn Walid was sent to Iraq and al-Hirah control of the area in 634 AD To Syria sent an expedition under the command of the commander of the four Jarrah Abu Ubaidah Ibn Amr Ibn al-'Ash, Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan and Syurahbil. Previous troops led by Usamah ibn Zaid who were 18 years old. To reinforce this army, Khalid ibn Walid ordered to leave Iraq, and through the desert that rarely lived, he came to Syria.


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